1st: My mom just indirectly asked me to Quit Smokin! I seriously never expected that! She just said that I should quit my bad habit and I just nodded my head and then later on it struck me that OMG! Did she just asked me to stop smokin?!!??!!?!?!?
GOSH* I really didn't see that comin...
2nd: I made amends with my dear brother... went and gave him a Big Hug and Gave him a broad SMILE :) and discovered that he is no longer mad at me.. ehehhehehehhe wat a relief! ;p
3rd: hmmm.. this is a bit tricky.. but I think I can like my indian colleague.. he's kinda cool and cute.. reminds me of the guy I fell in love with aka my best friend, best buddy.. I try not to think too much of it but can't help looking at him differently.. I can't decide IF I actually do like him or just trying to find someone to like... sighhh... to be continue... ;p
Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
What colour are your eyes?
You sit and type as I sit and stare,
I'm fidgeting around but you're firmly there,
I finally broke the ice and I don't care,
Where to sit or stand or how neat is my hair.
You turned to me with a questioning glare,
I soften it up with your pet-teddy-bear,
And then a smile light up your eyes,
Thinking I could bring joy closer to your sight.
But alas, it wasn't how we thought it was,
You bade me farewell and casually called,
I'm relieved to know we're on the same page,
Cause I believe you are as wise as a sage.
So moving on, it's easier to see,
There'll be many happy days or calls to be made,
And until then, I just can't decide,
What colour are those pair of gentle eyes.
I'm fidgeting around but you're firmly there,
I finally broke the ice and I don't care,
Where to sit or stand or how neat is my hair.
You turned to me with a questioning glare,
I soften it up with your pet-teddy-bear,
And then a smile light up your eyes,
Thinking I could bring joy closer to your sight.
But alas, it wasn't how we thought it was,
You bade me farewell and casually called,
I'm relieved to know we're on the same page,
Cause I believe you are as wise as a sage.
So moving on, it's easier to see,
There'll be many happy days or calls to be made,
And until then, I just can't decide,
What colour are those pair of gentle eyes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Big Boss's Visit!
Uh-oh.. I should be sleeping but I'm not. I should be doing the work I brought home but I didn't and now I am literally gonna get my self "screwed" tomorrow if I don't buck up and MOVE fast!
For 3 days my big boss from HK is going to be with us starting from tomorrow!
I really should get my beauty sleep! But I just finished my bro's work and now I'm worried about tmrw's work! :~(
I'm stressed on the fact that I have to finish 3 manuscripts by end of this week! *DAMN*
Today I stayed back and almost ended up being the last to leave! Luckily I stepped out in time. Else, I would have no idea what to do or where to go~~~~ and not forgetting that I will be all alone in the office! *shudder*
Anyway, hitting the bed soon and wrapping it up for tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't mess up in front of Big Boss! ;)
Oh and if you are reading this dearie, *HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bubble OooooOoooo!* XOXO!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thinking of You~by Katy Perry
I remembered someone once told me that I would love this song and I didn't really get what he meant till the other night when I chose to sing it at the karaoke.
Watching the video clip in between my "screaming & screeching" of Katy Perry's Thinking of You, it suddenly dawned on me that I did and can relate to the song! And it explained why that someone said so too.
It was me and him written all over it! *damn*
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Start of My Self-Help Program: Frustrationz
When I first started this blog, it was generally to release my pent-up frustrations to the Void and know for certain that it will not hit back at me. To just RANT and Rave and Go extremely EMO was the top objectives at mind. But somehow or rather I lost the trail and now am asking myself why did I started this to begin with!?
Anyways, to cut the long story short. I've now decided to make it my "really learning the English Language".
Hence, the word for today is "Frustration".
Today I blatantly declared that I no longer wish to be working here or doing what I'm presently doing as I am just about to explode for the umpteenth time and yet, failed to convey my seriousness in the matter.
My resignation was rejected even before it is tendered! I call it QUITS you here me!
I howled and howled, screeched and screeched. But alas, to no avail. Tomorrow I will again rise to the same things as I did today and shed blood and tears over the same "shit" again! SIGHZ!
Now, this depicts the meaning of MY frustration. At the end of one's wits and am losing hair and sleep over a matter that is not resolving try as you may and try as you might!
So, have you reached your point of Frustration yet?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Down Memory Lane...

Can't believe it has been so long since we last met.
Can't believe we still have loads to say to each other..
Can't believe we can still remain close as we used to...
Can't believe our friendship is still very much intact....
Can't believe I just had a drink with her reminiscing on the past, discussing on the present and visualising the future....
It feels good to sit there and chat with a kindred spirit.
It's nice to know we still have a common ground...
The genuine friendship between us reminds me how nice it is to have a friend standing by.
Thank you DiDi.. You made me feel so much warmth tonight.
That I have a friend in you that I can talk to and share things with..
I miss you loads and hope we continue being true to ourselves and each other. :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Need Anger Management!
GOSH, how hard can it be to work for your own brother! :S
Everytime I find the strength to move on he squashes me down and picks me to pieces!
DAMN! I just feel like standing on top of the mountain and scream my lungs out!
On top of that, I am still not over the fact that I have once again Failed my exams..
My temper just flares uncontrollably and I wish I can get a hold of myself but he never makes it easier..
Sometimes I feel like pounding my fists on the wall or the floor.. I need to release all these pent-up-tension feelings!
It is EATING me up literally! I wanna go Punch something!!!
peace out.
Everytime I find the strength to move on he squashes me down and picks me to pieces!
DAMN! I just feel like standing on top of the mountain and scream my lungs out!
On top of that, I am still not over the fact that I have once again Failed my exams..
My temper just flares uncontrollably and I wish I can get a hold of myself but he never makes it easier..
Sometimes I feel like pounding my fists on the wall or the floor.. I need to release all these pent-up-tension feelings!
It is EATING me up literally! I wanna go Punch something!!!
peace out.
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